
AbstractA comparative study of male and female genitalia was carried out in thirty‐seven Libyan species representing twenty genera of the family Acrididae. An attempt has been made to describe and illustrate the different structures, namely, epiphallus, aedeagus, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the male, and spermatheca, ovipositor, subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci of the female, in Acridids, with an aim to discover their significance in order to make the identification of genera and species, together with other generic characters, more perfect and convenient. Distinct family characters are shield or bridge‐shaped condition of epiphallus; presence or absence of dorso‐lateral appendices, oval sclerites and lophi on epiphallus; divided, undivided or flexured condition of aedeagus; presence or absence of gonopore process on aedeagus; condition of apical and pre‐apical diverticula of spermatheca; presence or absence of glandular pouches of Cornstock and Kellog on female subgenital plate; and rudimentary or well developed condition of egg‐guide. Stable characters for separating the subfamilies are taken to be presence or absence of ancorae on epiphallus, long or short condition of aedeagal sclerites; elongate, slender or short and broad condition of ovipositor valves: presence or absence of Jannone's organs and setae on posterior margin of female subgenital plate; and shape of diverticula of spermatheca. Useful generic characters are shape of male subgenital plate, supra‐anal plate and cerci, broad or narrow condition of bridge, presence or absence of branch of bridge connecting lophi with bridge of epiphallus; mono‐, bi‐ or tri‐lobate condition of lophi of epiphallus, length and upcurved or downcurved condition of apical valve of aedeagus, shape of posterior margin of female subgenital plate, presence of setae on the whole posterior margin or confined to lateral margins only; and toothed, tuberculate or smooth condition of ovipositor valves, length of the lateral apodeme in relation to the dorsal valves. Specific characters are shape of egg‐guide of female subgenital plate, shape of ovipositor valves and apical tips, shape of male supra‐anal plate and cerci, size of anterior and posterior lobes of lophi of epiphallus, size and shape of ancorae, shape of apical valves of aedeagus; and size of apical and pre‐apical diverticula and presence of protuberance on pre‐apical diverticulum.

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