
I investigated sexual differences in activity levels, and their adaptive significance in gray mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus, during the dry season. I studied them between April and September, 1999, at Kirindy Forest, a dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. Six males and 6 females were radiocollared and followed using focal individual sampling. The males remained active throughout the dry season, whereas the females hibernated for up to 3 mo. Males exhibited a gradual decrease in activity from May to June and some of them remained inactive for periods of a few days to 1 wk. Males were more active in July. Though there were changes in the duration of time spent sleeping, there was no significant change in male body mass throughout the period. Males appear to prefer to rest in nests that are close to or coincident with those preferred by females, and multiple males may simultaneously share nests with multiple hibernating females. Males occupying nests that are close to or coincident with nests preferred by females tend to switch nests less frequently than others do. Researchers have suggested that high levels of activity prepare males for the mating season, which occurs at the end of the dry season. Presumably, by maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the dry season, certain males may position themselves to monopolize the best tree holes during the mating season. The reproductive advantages gained by this behavior may overshadow the costs of remaining active during the dry season when resources are scarce, temperatures are low, and predator pressure is high. Measurements on captured males confirm a weak (nonsignificant) positive correlation between body mass and activity levels. There is no indication that the heavier, more active males were better able to monopolize the best tree holes.

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