
Malaysians were treated to a series of highly charged events in 1994 on both the domestic and foreign fronts. Perhaps the most dramatic was the banning of the Al-Arqam sect, for deviationist religious practices, signalling a new government offensive against its Islamic detractors. In an unusual departure, two prominent leaders within the main ruling party, the United Malays National Organization (UMNO), were investigated for corrupt practices. One of them, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, was also embroiled in a sex scandal involving a minor, providing Malaysians with creative opportunities for joke-making, gossip and speculation. In foreign relations, Malaysia continued to be vociferous in attacking several Western countries for inaction on Bosnia, their position on trade and human rights, and the irresponsibility and overbearing nature of their media. The government imposed a ban on the award of government contracts to British firms to punish the British media for alleging impropriety and corruption in the top leadership. Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad continued to work tirelessly to advance his idea of an East Asian Economic Caucus (EAEC) as an Asian counterweight to NAFTA and the EC, and refused to go along with the trade liberalization schedule proposed at the Summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. Throughout most of the year there was heated speculation on a rift emerging between the prime minister and his chosen deputy, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Both vehemently denied that there was any tension between them. Anwar stressed his loyalty in November by saying I look up towards Dr Mahathir as my leader and father in my political struggle.1 But a different cast was thrown during the UMNO general assembly in mid-November. After pointing out that the party had to rid itself of its Brutus elements, Mahathir left most delegates thinking that there was indeed an incipient power struggle brewing. From the limited time perspective of a year, it is difficult to say whether these apparently discrete events had an overall shape and logic to them. Nevertheless,

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