
SYNOPSIS.Epistylis caldwelli n.sp., a β‐mesosaprobic epi‐biont, was collected from the surface zone of only two of 164 water bodies at Singapore. It is recorded from the neustonic mosquito larvae Anopheles (Anophele s) hyrcanus Pallas subsp., An. (Myzomyia) kochi Donitz and Culex (Lutzi a) fuscanus Wiedemann, also from corixids, Micronecta quadristrigata Bred‐din, copepods, Mesocyclops leuckarti aequatorialis Kiefer, and floating dragonfly exuviae. Subsurface and benthic organisms were not infested. The squat zooids (av, 57.6 ± 34.8 μwhen fully extended) have a median contractile vacuole and a long and sinuous macronucleus. Colonies consist of 2–16 individuals on a short and unusually massive stalk up to 50 μthick.

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