
The biochemical parameters are part of the follow-up care for patients with malaria bout as gravity markers allowing the biologist to inform the doctor about the progressive stage of the malaria bout. Among these markers, we have on the one hand; the ions Sodium, Potassium and Chloride and on the other hand; the blood sugar, the bilirubin and the proteins, which represent the biochemical parameters more used during the biological check-up of the malaria. Indeed a non negligible fraction of deaths occurring during the malaria among patients infected with HIV under HAART is associated to biochemical disorders, from where the interest of this transversal survey carried out at the Regional hospital of Bertoua, aimed at evaluating the variations of biochemical parameters associated to the malaria bouts, due to P. falciparum among these patients. We included in our survey, all HIV positive patients under HAART since at least one year and presenting a malaria bout. We excluded from our survey, all HIV positive patients, unregistered in our study place for the follow-up care for antiretroviral therapy; all HIV positive patients presenting a preexisting hepatic, renal or cardiovascular pathology before the intake of the HAART; and the pregnant women. We analyzed the socio-demographic parameters (Age and Sex), the Biological parameters (parasitic charge, Blood sugar, ions potassium, sodium and chloride, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, protein, HIV serology, rate of hemoglobin and level of CD4) and the therapeutic parameters (therapeutic protocol, length of hospitalization and treatment evolution). During this survey, we noticed that the ionic disorders as the decrease of sodium ion and the increase of the potassium ion and chloride ion in the blood were more frequent during the malaria bouts among our patients infected with HIV under HAART. The blood sugar was also decreased in the blood. The bilirubin and protein were increased in the blood and also present in the urine. The increase of the creatinine and urea had the incidence rates of 100% among these patients. The frequency of these biochemical disorders varied with a meaningful manner according to the gravity stage of illness (simple or serious malaria bout) and was also influenced by the intake of the HAART.

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