
Malakoplakia is a rare inflammatory disease associated with Escherichia coli infection. 1 von Hansemann D. Uber malakoplakia der harnblase. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol. 1903; 173: 302-308 Crossref Scopus (174) Google Scholar Despite some characteristic histological features, including the presence of large histiocytes with clusters of Michaelis-Gutmann (MG) bodies, malakoplakia of the kidney is difficult to diagnose because of its rarity and varying histological picture. We report the case of a 57-year-old man who had granulomatous interstitial nephritis caused by kidney parenchymal malakoplakia. Of note, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we were able to site-specifically amplify E coli DNA from his kidney biopsy specimens. Malakoplakia of the kidney should be considered in the differential diagnosis of granulomatous interstitial nephritis, and application of molecular biological approaches to the analysis of kidney tissues may be useful in the diagnosis of this disease.

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