
We report on malakoplakia of the colon observed in a six month old girl in a setting of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and a malformational syndrome termed CHARGE association. By the age of six months, hemorrhagic diarrhea had developed, and multiple ulcers were seen at colonoscopy. The biopsy specimen showed ulcerating malakoplakia. Immunodeficiency was primarily reflected by deprivation of CD4 cells in the peripheral blood, and CT scans failed to detect structures consistent with a normal thymus. There were also polylymphadenopathy and chronic erythroderma. The lymph node showed extreme hypoplasia of the follicular cortex and marked expansion of the paracortex. B cell counts progressively declined, and plasma cells were absent both in intact mucosa of the colon and in a lymph node. The patient died at eighteen months of respiratory failure following recurrent airway infections. Pediatric malakoplakia of the colon, though rare, may be regarded as an example of opportunistic bacterial infection in an immunocompromised host. Combined immunodeficiency (CID) has to be considered in such instances, in particular when malformational syndromes coexist affecting the development of the thymus.

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