
In recent years, specialists of the Pacific-Ocean Instituteof Bioorganic Chemistry (Vladivostok) have performed anextensive search for natural antioxidants among medicinalplants of Far-Eastern flora. Several promising species havebeen found, which contain effective antioxidants belongingto the class of polyphenols. The most interesting medicinalplant in this respect is Amur maackia, whose extract exhibitspronounced antioxidant properties at low toxicity. This com-bination of properties gave grounds to study the correspond-ing preparation as a potential hepatoprotector against toxicdamage of the liver. The complex of polyphenolic com-pounds extracted from Amur maackia was used as a base forthe original domestic hepatoprotector maksar (named afterO. B. Maksimov and A. S. Saratikov, heads of the R&Dgroup). The new drug has proven to exceed, in specific activ-ity, well-known hepatoprotectors such as legalon and silibor[1 – 4].Amur maackia (

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