
This research aims to get a symbolic understanding of the meaning of the doomsday and resurrection in the Qur'an (eschatological verses) with textual and contextual analysis of these verses. The eschatological verses in the Qur'an beside having textual-theological meanings have symbolic meanings. Theological meanings presupposes that the events of the apocalypse, the resurrection, the life of heaven and hell are the areas of faith that must be believed to be a real event of a supernatural nature. While symbolic meanings menyaran on the understanding that the verses are diuturnkan in the context of culture and situation of certain historical conditions that allow the reading of eschatological concepts are contextual. The research uses literature approach and literature review method that is used is structural analysis, based on the theory that the text of al-Qur'an consists of various elements forming the structure. This research also uses descriptive qualitative research approach with survey research method. The survey method is used to describe PAI lecturer's understanding of the symbolic meaning of eschatological verses in the Qur'an


  • Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman simbolik tentang makna kiamat dan kebangkitan dalam Alquran dengan analisis tekstual dan kontekstual terhadap ayat-ayat tersebut

  • This research aims to get a symbolic understanding of the meaning of the doomsday and resurrection in the Alquran with textual and contextual analysis of these verses

  • While symbolic meanings menyaran on the understanding that the verses are diuturnkan in the context of culture and situation of certain historical conditions that allow the reading of eschatological concepts are contextual

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Fase keduapenyiapan psikologis

Surat-Surat Al-Fa>tih}ah, al-‘Ala, al-‘Alaq, al-Fil, Quraisy, al-As}r, al-Tin, al-Takathur, al-‘adiya>t. Tema Pengenalan tentang Allah, Kenabian, mengingatkan bangsa Quraisy tentang karunia Allah, dan menyampaikan wacana tentang hari kebangkitan Arahan untuk nabi dan peringatan bagi Quraisy atas kemaksiyatan mereka selama ini Idem. Mengajak untuk mengimani hari akhir, menegaskan akan adanya kebangkitan, ancaman bagi mereka yang ingkar, janji harapan bagi mereka yang beriman, dan menenangkan nabi bahwa Allah bersamanya. Memperluas cakupan dakwah, dan melanjutkan janji dan ancaman bagi bangsa Quraisy. Dalam masyarakat yang materialis seperti Makkah, strategi ini sangat relavan dengan konteks. Maka konsep-konsep eskatologis telah diperkenalkan oleh Alquran sejak permulaan periode Makkah hingga akhir periode ini. Sebagaimana terlihat dalam tabel berikut: Teknik yang dipergunakan oleh Alquran dalam menyampaikan konsep eskatologis dapat dilihat dalam table berikut: No Teknik

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