
In the field of education, especially at the university level, there are problems that are often encountered, one of which is the system of making exam schedules. In the system of making course exam schedules, there is often an overlap between course schedules with one another. Examination scheduling should be made in such a way that there are no overlapping courses. Thus, all students can take the exam and there are no courses whose exams follow. In the case of the Even Semester Mid-Semester Examination schedule for the Informatics Study Program, there is an error in making the exam schedule, namely the existence of overlapping course exam schedules so that it can harm students who will take the exam. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the exam scheduling system. Making an exam schedule can be done using node coloring and the implementation of the Welch Powell algorithm. The application of vertex coloring on a graph is to represent each vertex with the name of the course listed on the exam schedule and continue by following the stages of the Welch Powell algorithm. The Welch Powell algorithm works by sorting the existing vertices based on the magnitude of the degree possessed by these vertices. Once sorted, the vertices with the largest will be colored and the vertices that are related to that vertex will not get the same color. This process will continue to repeat until all nodes have been colored, from these colored nodes to produce a schedule that does not overlap and is ready to use. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the Welch Powell Algorithm was able to produce an efficient schedule for the Mid-Event Semester Examination Program for the Informatics Study Program and the absence of courses collided with one another.

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