
Byline: IRS. Reddy Respected chair persons and members of the Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS), I am extremely happy and privileged to be here at the 59[sup] th Annual Conference, before an enlightened gathering to preside over the prestigious IPS. It is a rare honour and it shall be my endeavour to prove myself worthy of being chosen for this prestigious and highly coveted honour among the psychiatrists. I know my limitations but I am also aware of the great role that can be played by our society and I make bold to place before you many of my experiences in the field to exhort my fellow psychiatrists that we have a great responsibility ahead. From what I have observed during these years of my active practice, I have no doubt in my mind that the psychiatry as a profession is slowly gaining ground and in the years to come it will play an effective role in disabusing the minds of the public of their wrong and ill conceived notions. I shall endeavour my best with the cooperation and support of all my fellow psychiatrists. There were quite a few topics that I short listed for my presidential address. Finally, I zeroed in on this topic titled MAKING PSYCHIATRY A HOUSEHOLD WORD as I feel the art and science of psychiatry has a great deal to offer society apart from treating the crazy people. To make that contribution, psychiatrists must continue to tackle society's most pressing problems and also raise the visibility of psychiatry and its perceived relevance to solving a wide range of personal, social and family problems. The image of psychiatry has been tarnished in the eyes of common man, thanks to the battering that the profession has received at the hands of the media, not to mention the apathy of the policy makers. Here is an example to prove my point. At the recently held conference at Jaipur, I was walking outside the convention center when I heard two young women talking to each other. One said to the other: My God!!!.. He's so weird! He really should see one of those psychiatrists who are walking around here. That's it! I thought. think you have to be 'weird' to see a psychiatrist. The public tends to view psychiatrists narrowly, associating us chiefly with our expertise in mental illness. In reality, psychiatrists can promote coping and wellness in addition to diagnosing and treating mental illness. Many people today have significant stress in their lives and we all undergo crises and life-stage transitions as a normal part of life. Psychiatrists can help people assess how they are coping with current stresses and develop new skills and strategies. A lot of people find that their stress levels have increased in this era of wars, terrorism and natural disasters. We, as psychiatrists, could do much more to prevent problems by helping people learn to cope and build their resilience. I wondered what it would take to normalize our public image, that set me thinking and I looked into dentistry, which changed the public image of its profession in the 1980s when it teamed up with Colgate toothpaste in a public education campaign that promoted the idea of the dental check-up. This campaign led to major changes not only in the public image of dentistry but also in the very nature and public impact of dental practice. Dentistry moved from a focus on restorative dentistry to an emphasis on preventive dentistry. We have all witnessed the success of this transition. People no longer wait for a toothache to visit the dentist and employers routinely include preventive examinations and cleanings as a dental benefit. I am envisaging a day when people similarly take appointments for a psychological check-up akin to a general health check -up and when that day comes one can rest assured that the community has truly embraced our profession. At these check-ups they could address such matters as their stress level, their relationships, how they are caring for their children and ageing parents and health basics such as diet, nutrition, sleep and exercise. …

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