
AbstractFormal verification of floating-point computations remains a challenge for the software engineer. Automated, specialized tools can handle floating-point computations well, but struggle with other types of data or memory reasoning. Specialized tools based on proof assistants are very powerful, but require a high degree of expertise. General-purpose tools for deductive verification of programs have added support for floating-point computations in recent years, but often the proved properties are limited to verifying ranges or absence of special values such as NaN or Infinity. Proofs of more complex properties, such as bounds on rounding errors, are generally reserved to experts and often require the use of either a proof assistant or a specialized solver as a backend.In this article, we show how generic deductive verification tools based on general-purpose SMT solvers can be used to verify different kinds of properties on floating point computations up to bounds on rounding errors. The demonstration is done on a computation of a weighted average using floating-point numbers, using an approach which is heavily based on auto-active verification. We use the general-purpose tool SPARK for formal verification of Ada programs based on the SMT solvers Alt-Ergo, CVC4, and Z3 but it can in principle be carried out in other similar languages and tools such as Frama-C or KeY.KeywordsDeductive verificationNumerical computationNumerical precision

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