
The development and growth of a nation would not be possible unless women are brought into the mainstream of national development. Women constitute about half of the total population in our country. Even then, their share in economic activities is only 30 per cent. Their activities are confined to limited areas and they are the victims of social prejudices and discrimination. This restrict the development of innovativeness, motivation, risk taking ability, etc., among women which are essential for entrepreneurial development. Kerala is no exception to this. Kerala women, while establishing firm foothold in literacy and social status, are yet to identify their role in entrepreneurship. During the 1970s efforts to promote self-employment among women started receiving attention from government. In spite of governmental assistance and incentives, less than 5 per cent of female population in Kerala has taken up entrepreneurship as a career. Active participation of women in management and leadership is still found to be wanting. Their position can be improved only by introducing effective self-employment schemes including micro enterprises. In Kerala nearly 85 per cent of women owned group micro enterprises are functioning under Kudumbashree. Kudumbashree, a self employment project, is purely for the benefit of women below poverty line and encourages and initiates women empowerment.

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