
Since the 1990s, more and more corporate learning has been moved online to allow for flexibility, just-in-time learning, and cost saving in delivering training. This trend has been evolved along with the introduction of Web-based applications for HRM purposes, known as electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM). By 2005, 39.67% of the corporate learning, among the ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) benchmarking forum companies, was delivered online in comparison to 10.5% in 2001. E-learning has now reached “a high level of (technical) sophistication, both in terms of instructional development and the effective management of resources” in companies with high performance learning function (ASTD, 2006, p.4). The cost per unit, reported by ASTD in its 2006 State of Industry Report, has been declining since 2000 despite the higher training hours received per employee thanks to the use of technology based training delivery and its scalability. However, the overall quality of e-learning either public available in the market or implemented at the workplace remains unstable.

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