
The post-conflict situation is a phase that occurs after the signing of the peace agreement. However, it cannot be assumed as the end of the conflict and the beginning of a peaceful situation because post-conflict is very fragile. The war may have ended, but small conflicts in large numbers, are still possible, and if not dealt with immediately, the situation can relapse into war. This is where the importance of intercultural dialogue is to ensure durable peace. One of the instruments of intercultural dialogue is commensality. This article then examines a form of commensality in the city of Ambon, Indonesia, as an instrument for building peace after the violent conflict of 1999-2002. The results of this study indicate that the commensality of makan patita traditions has supported the creation of space and place for intercultural dialogue. Space is a material form. The commensality tradition in Ambon which is carried out in cities or public spaces, allowing participants to gather and dialogue, while Place is more of values and meanings provided by the implementation of this tradition, such as the meaning of togetherness, and peace. and unity.

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