
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) is the institution who plays important role in contributing scholar’s (ulama) outlook of problems which occur in Indonesia. Since it is established in 1975, MUI exist as the the extension of state to control religious life in society. The establishment of MUI cannot be separated from political dynamic of New Order under the leadership of President Suharto in controlling political Islam. After the decline of Suharto in 1998, MUI cannot fully be independent yet in mediating religious conflict in Indonesia. This paper explains the role of MUI in mediating religious conflict of Majelis Taklim HDH (Hidup di balik Hidup) in Kabupaten Cirebon. Author argues that MUI has issued fatwa sesat of Majelis Taklim Hidup di balik Hidup. In issuing the fatwa sesat, MUI tended to be influenced by society pressure from Nahdliyin people (NU) because they are the majority in Kabupaten Cirebon.

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