
Major Miocene structural elements of the Burgos Basin include a regionwide detachment system that connects extensional fault systems throughout the basin with an active diapir belt downdip, a regionwide pattern of downthrown extensional rollover folds, pervasive secondary faults, and salt and shale diapiric masses in the eastern part of the basin. An interpretation of two-dimensional seismic data suggests that the Burgos Basin Miocene section can be divided into four structural domains: expanded zone, Lamprea trend, Corsair-Wanda trend, and diapir belt. The westernmost unexpanded zone is the footwall of the expanded system part of the basin, which overlies a domain of Oligocene extension. Remaining trends represent an extensional accommodation related to the basinward migration of mobile salt and shale, which has produced a relatively uniform structural style in the Miocene section. The structural style observed in the Burgos Basin appears to define a transitional zone between gravitational collapse in the offshore Laguna Madre-Tuxpan shelf to the south and salt-related raft tectonics of the south Texas Gulf Coast.

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