
The purpose of the study is to estimate the functional state of epithelial cells of acini and ducts of major salivary glands with hypertrophy caused by repeated incisor amputations in immature rats. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out on immature (20 days), white male rats, divided into 3 groups: intact, control and group of rats with repeated incisor amputations. Animals were taken out in 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th weeks after the first incisor amputation. Morphofunctional state of rat major salivary glands was assessed by histological (hematoxylin and eosin), histochemistrical (Alcian blue, PAS-reaction, Brachet method) and morphometrical (acini area, intralobular ducts volume) methods. Results. Repeated incisor amputations led to the increase of acini area and the decrease of intralobular duct volume in submandibular glands in 2nd–4th weeks of the experiment. Cytoplasm pyroninophilia of submandibular gland acinar cells was less pronounced and intensity of PAS-reaction was more pronounced than in intact animals in 3rd week of the experiment. Morphological and functional changes of parotid and sublingual gland epithelial cells were not observed after repeated amputations of incisors in immature rats. Conclusion. Repeated incisor amputations in immature male rats lead to submandibular gland acinar cell hypertrophy in the early stages of the experiment (2d–4th weeks) with accumulation of glycoproteins and protein synthesis weakening in these cells. Hypertrophy of acinar cells are accompanied by retardation in the development of granular convoluted tubule cells which are the source of synthesis and secretion of the endocrine biologically active factors of submandibular glands.


  • Ivanova Vera V., Postgraduate Student of the Department of Morphology and General Pathology, Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

  • The purpose of the study is to estimate the functional state of epithelial cells of acini and ducts of major salivary glands with hypertrophy caused by repeated incisor amputations in immature rats

  • Repeated incisor amputations led to the increase of acini area and the decrease of intralobular duct volume in submandibular glands in 2nd–4th weeks of the experiment

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Моделирование гипертрофии больших слюнных желез у неполовозрелых крыс: морфометрическая и гистохимическая характеристика эпителиоцитов. Оценить морфофункциональное состояние эпителиальных клеток ацинусов и протоков больших слюнных желез неполовозрелых крыс при гипертрофии, вызванной многократной ампутацией резцов. При многократной ампутации резцов у неполовозрелых самцов крыс на 2–4-й нед эксперимента наблюдались увеличение площади ацинусов и снижение удельного объема внутридольковых протоков поднижнечелюстных желез. Многократная ампутация резцов у неполовозрелых самцов крыс в ранние сроки эксперимента (2–4-я нед) приводит к гипертрофии клеток ацинусов поднижнечелюстных желез, накоплению в них гликопротеинов и ослаблению синтеза РНК. Моделирование гипертрофии больших слюнных желез повторяющейся ампутации резцов у грызунов наблюдалось увеличение веса БСЖ, а также площади их ацинусов. Целью исследования явилась оценка морфофункционального состояния эпителиальных клеток БСЖ крыс при многократной ампутации резцов

Удельный объем внутридольковых протоков околоушных желез неполовозрелых крыс
Удельный объем внутридольковых протоков подъязычных желез неполовозрелых крыс
Materials and methods
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