
鄱阳湖区具有相对丰富的自然资源,是江西十分重要的农产品淡水产品主产区, 对江西经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用.就这块风水宝地其经济发展总是相对滞后,部分农村社区群体甚至还生活在贫困线以下.究其原因,主要是频繁的自然灾害、资源的不合理利用导致资源减少和环境问题的日渐突出、农村生产力低下等.鄱阳湖区要实施可持续发展战略,必须解决自然灾害问题,建立鄱阳湖区自然灾害预警系统,同时大力发展替代产业,加快职业技术教育,广开致富门路,保护生态环境,加快产业升级,逐步把鄱阳湖区建设成资源高效利用的产品深加工基地和精品出口基地.;The basin of Poyang Lake is an important area of cotton, fresh fishing products and race production in Jiangxi province with relatively plentiful natural resources, which plays a decisive role in Jiangxi economic development. On the other hand, the regional economic development was delayed and even parts of the target group of rural area lived in poor. There are many causes to help to bring about the phenomena, which the majors are frequent natural disasters, irrational uses of national resources to bring about the reduce of it and environmental problems appearance and low productive forces in rural area. It is important for Poyang Lake area to implement sustainable development strategy that those major problems what above shows should be solved. The countermeasure also put forward in the paper, such as substitute industrial development, job technical education especially in rural area, industrials and enterprises development promotion, information and channels to become rich and ecological environmental protection etc.

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