
Introduction. Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries C. Heip, P. Herman. Primary production. Nutrients, light and primary production by phytoplankton and microphytobenthos in the eutrophic, turbid Westerschelde estuary (the Netherlands) J. Kromkamp, et al. Dynamics of microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a in the Scheldt estuary (SW Netherlands) D.J. de Jong, V.N. de Jonge. Bacterial processes. Comparison of heterotrophic bacterial production in early spring in the turbid estuaries of the Scheldt and the Elbe N.K. Goosen, et al. Nitrous oxide emissions from estuarine intertidal sediments J.J. Middelburg, et al. Carbon and nitrogen cycling in intertidel sediments near Doel, Scheldt estuary J.J. Middelburg, et al. Zooplankton. Copepod feeding in the Westerschelde and the Gironde M. Tackx, et al. Long-term changes in eurytemora affinis population (copopoda, calanoids) in the Gironde estuary (1978-1992) J. Castel, et al. Contribution of the zooplankton copepod communities to the carbon fluxes in the brackish part of the Westerschelde estuary (the Netherlands) V. Escaravage, K. Soetaert. Feeding rates and productivity of the copepod Acartia bifilosa in a highly turbid estuary the Gironde (SW France) X. Irigoien, J. Caste. Production rates of Eurytemora affinis in the Elbe Estuary, comparison of field and enclosure production estimates A. Peitsch. Comparative spring distribution of zooplankton in three macrotidal European estuaries B. Sautour, J. Castel. Hyperbenthos. Comparative study of the hyperbenthos of three European estuaries J. Mees, et al. Meiobenthos. Effects of experimental food supply on estuarine meiobenthos M.C. Austen, R.M. Warwick. Meiobenthic distributionand nematode community structure of five European estuaries K. Soetaert, et al. Macrobenthos. The response of two estuarine benthic communities to the quantity and quality of food M.A. Kendall, et al. Modelling. Estimating estuarine residence times in the Westerschelde (the Netherlands) using a simple box model K. Soetaert, P.M.J. Herman. Nitrogen dynamics in the Westerschelde estuary (SW Netherlands) estimated by means of a global ecosystem model (MOSES) K. Soetaert, P.M.J. Herman. Carbon flows in the Westerschelde estuary (the Netherlands) evaluated by means of a global ecosystem model (MOSES) K. Soetaert, P.M.J. Herman.

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