
The collection “Mazhmui muhammasoti ash-shuaroi Feruzshakhiy” is the largest source of lyric works by the authors of the Khorezm literary environment. According to the king’s decree, the complex was formed in the second half of the XIX sentury by Tabibi. It includes examples of poetry by contemporaries of the author. This resource, which provides valuable information about the literary environment of its time, is now stored in the main fund of the Abu Rayhan Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan under number 1134. The collection differs from other collections in the composition of the genre, that is, muhammas. One of the collection’s most popular poets is Mutrib Hanaharab ibn Muhammad Hasan Devan Haji Tabib.The article analyzes the muhammas of Mutrib Hanaharabi, who are associated with the gazalles of master poets Agahi and Feruz. The artistic features of the Mutrib muhammasses are studied, which are not in handwritten copies. The weight, significance and novelty of the poetic gazal, as well as the evolutionary nature of the content, are proven by the original sources. Muhammasses and musaddasses of the poet, which are introduced in the collection, are compared with verses in manuscripts and studied in the fields of textology and source study.

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