
The dataset contains information about dynamic and seasonal net ecosystem carbon balances (NECB) for maize for the growing season 2011, measured at five sites at the “CarboZALF-D” experimental field. Measurement sites differ regarding soil type (non-eroded Albic Luvisols, extremely eroded Calcaric Regosol and depositional Endogleyic Colluvic Regosol,) and N fertilization form (100% mineral fertilizer, 50% mineral and 50% organic fertilizer, 100% organic fertilizer). Fertilization treatments were established on the Albic Luvisol. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) were measured every four weeks using a dynamic flow-through non-steady-state closed manual chamber system. Gap filling was performed based on empirical temperature and PAR dependency functions, used to derive daily NEE values. In parallel, daily above-ground biomass production (NPPshoot) was estimated using a sigmoidal growth function, based on periodic biomass sampling. Finally, NECB dynamics (as a proxy for soil C dynamics) were calculated as the balance of daily NEE and NPPshoot under consideration of the initial C input due to fertilization.

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