
Abstract How the surface boundary heating (sea surface temperature) and cumulus adjustment process affect the location, structure, energetics, and dynamics of the intertropical convergence zones (ITCZs) is investigated. A series of experiments is performed with a general circulation model where the lower boundary is specified to be water at a fixed sea surface temperature (SST), an aqua planet. All experiments are run using equinoctal insolation with no longitudinal variation in SST. Two different convective parameterization schemes (Kuo and moist convective adjustment) and several different zonally symmetric SST distributions are used in these experiments. The location of the ITCZ is found to be sensitive to the convective parameterization scheme and the SST distribution. The model with the moist convective adjustment scheme produces an ITCZ over the tropical SST maximum, even under conditions where the SST gradient is weak. By contrast, the model with the Kuo convective parameterization is not as sensit...

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