
1. Introduction I. Introduction II. Aim and Structure III. Methodology IV. Approach: Pragmatism V. 'Maintenance' as a Concept VI. Conclusion 2. History of the Recovery of Maintenance from Abroad I. Introduction II. First Steps-A Regime for the UK and His Majesty's Dominions III. The First International Regime IV. The Regime Established by the Hague Conference V. Recovery of Maintenance in Europe VI. The Initial Impact of the Regulation VII. Conclusion 3. Scope: Maintenance Regulation I. Introduction II. Relationships the Regulation Applies to III. Characterisation IV. Conclusion 4. Scope: The 2007 Hague Convention I. Introduction II. Child Support III. Spousal Support IV. Other Forms of Maintenance V. Conclusion 5. Jurisdiction I. Introduction II. Jurisdiction in EU Family Law III. General Grounds of Jurisdiction IV. Lack of Coherence and Possible Solutions V. Choice of Court VI. Jurisdiction Based on the Appearance of the Defendant VII. Subsidiary Jurisdiction and Forum Necessitatis-No Room for National Law VIII. Limits on Bringing Proceedings IX. Conclusion 6. Hague Protocol on Applicable Law I. Introduction II. Scope III. Law Applicable A. General Rule B. Special Rules C. Choice of Applicable Law IV Other Provisions A. Public Policy and Determining the Amount of Maintenance B. Exclusion of Renvoi V. Conclusion 7. Recognition and Enforcement: Regulation I. Introduction II. The Procedures in the Maintenance Regulation III. Non-Protocol States IV. The Abolition of Exequatur V. Possible Issues with the Abolition of Exequatur in EU Regulations VI. The Implications of the Hague Protocol and other Methods of Mitigating the Effect of the Abolition of Exequatur in Maintenance Proceedings A. The Hague Protocol B. Articles 19 and 21 VII. Are the Separate Procedures Understood in Practice? VIII. Suitable Alternative Arrangements IX. Conclusion 8. Recognition and Enforcement: Convention I. Introduction II. Scope III. Jurisdiction A. Habitual Residence of the Respondent and the Creditor B. Habitual Residence of the Child C. Party Autonomy D. Personal Status IV. Grounds for Refusal A. Ex Officio Review B. Review by the Defendant C. Summary V. Procedure for Recognition and Enforcement VI. Alternative Procedure for Recognition and Enforcement VII. Conclusion 9. Actual Enforcement I. Introduction II. Convention III. Common Provisions on Central Authorities A. The Ongoing Enforcement of Maintenance Obligations B. Collect and Transfer Payments C. Provisional Measures IV. Enforcement in Europe A. The Procedure B. Practice So Far V. Case Law of the ECtHR on Enforcement VI. Information Technology: iSupport VII. Conclusion 10. Administrative Cooperation I. Introduction II. Designation of Central Authorities III. General Functions IV. Specific Functions V. Legal Assistance VI. Locate One of the Parties VII. Information on Income and Other Financial Circumstances, Including the Location of Assets VIII. Encourage Amicable Solutions IX. Ongoing Enforcement X. Collection and Expeditious Transfer XI. Obtaining of Documentary or Other Evidence XII. Parentage XIII. Provisional Measures that have the Purpose of Securing the Outcome of a Pending Maintenance Application XIV. Service XV. Practical Application of Selected Provisions A. Requests for Specific Measures B. Meeting the Time Requirements XVI. Potential Future Developments: Designing Suitable Minimum Standards XVII. Conclusion 11. Conclusion I. Scope and Characterisation II. EU Solutions III. International Solutions IV. Overall Comments V. Final Remarks

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