
One hundred and forty six inbred lines CIMMYT maize were characterized based on some morphological traits and grain yield at the experimental field of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) during 2009-10 to study the maintenance and characterization of new exotic maize inbreeds. Maximum variation was found in number of grains per row, number of cobs per row, grain yield/plant, cob length (cm), ear height (cm) and plant height (cm). On the basis of D2 analysis, 146 inbred lines were grouped into 6 clusters. The inter cluster D2 values varied from 0.974 to 6.595 which exhibited medium range of diversity present in the inbred lines. It is expected that crossing of inbred lines belonging high to medium D2 values tend to produce high heterosis for yield. Development of hybrids utilizing these genotypes has the chance to obtain higher heterosis with high performing crosses. In order to achieve more heterotic partners from 146 CIMMYT (India) inbreeds were characterized for their morphological traits and kernel yield. Selfed seeds for each of the inbreeds line also maintained for future breeding works. Development of hybrids utilizing these genotypes has the chance to obtain higher heterosis with high performing crosses.

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