
Database schemas evolve over time to satisfy changing application requirements. If this evolution is not performed correctly, some quality attributes are at risk such as data integrity, functional correctness, or maintainability. To help developer teams in the design of database schemas, several design methodologies for NoSQL databases have proposed to use conceptual models during this process. The use of an explicit conceptual model can also help developers in the tasks of schema evolution. In this work-in-progress paper, we propose a framework that, given a change in the conceptual model, identifies what must be modified in a NoSQL database schema and the underlying data. We researched several open source projects that use Apache Cassandra to study the benefits of using a conceptual model during the schema evolution process as well as to understand how these models evolve. In this first work, we have focused on studying seven types of conceptual model changes identified in these projects. For each change we describe the transformation required in the database schema to maintain the consistency between the schema and the model as well as the migration of data required to the new schema version.

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