
Given a set of point P ∈ ℝ2, we consider the well-known maxima problem, consisting of reporting the maxima (not dominated) points of P, in the dynamic setting of boundary updates. In this setting we allow insertions and deletions of points at the extremities of P: this permits to move a resizable vertical window on the point set.We present a data structure capable of answering maxima queries in optimal O(k) worst case time, where k is the size of the answer. Moreover we show how to maintain the data structure under boundary updates operation in O(log n) time per update.This is the first technique in a dynamic setting capable of both performing update operations and answering maxima queries in optimal worst case time.KeywordsCover ForestCover StructureMaximal PointQuery PointMaximal ChainThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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