
Attorneys are of ten passionately devoted to thenotion that truth will emerge only if they clearly state their position and challenge the opposition. This often leads attorneys to dispute and/or discredit expert witness' opinions that threaten their po si-tion. Tes tifying dur ing cross-ex am i nation can be a very in tense and anxiety-pro vokingexperiencefornovice, as well as seasoned mental health professionals with varying levels of experience in a courtroom. The pur pose of this ar ti cle is to offer sev eral brief rec om men-dations for maintaining composure and credibility during cross-examination when called to testify as a psychological expert witness. The recommendations are based upon information gathered from the professional literature, consultation with mental health pro fes sion als (e.g., psy chol o gists, and psy chi atrists) involved in the le gal arena, and the au thors'ob servations of court room drama. The recommendations address pre-trial preparations, verbal and non-ver bal be hav iors, as well as the con tent and style of the ex pert's testimony.

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