
Such recent conferences as the 1993 Vienna Conference on Human ig ts, th 1994 Ca ro Conference on Population nd Dev lopm nt, and the 1995 Beijing Co f r nce on Women made major strides f r ward in expanding the breadth of women's r ghts, in d ining them more subs a tially, and in pres ribing specific guid li es f r the r attainment. Thus, significa t la guage now xists to adv nce the sta us of women, and it is cri i a to ap t lize on thes adva ces. O e importan st p i his pro ces is o sure that women' rights are fully in eg a d to the UN h man r gh gim . I M ch 1 93, the Commissio on Hu a Rights pas ed he irst r s olution o integra e w e 's hum n rights wi h he UN hu a ights mec isms.1 The commitme t f r uch inte ration w r iter ted in h 1993 Vie na Decl ration a Pr g m f Actio 2 a d gain in 1995 in stronge nd more s ec fic la guage in the Beij g Decl ra on a d Pl t fo fo Ac ion.3 H nc , the mandate for in ra i n is well stablished. e p cess of in grati n, called mainstream ng, i volves incorpo at ing a is ue into th pr existi g fra work and s ructur ?in othe words, aki it e tral to every aspect of the work of t a tructure.4 T con cep mai s re ming is usual y derst od o exis juxtap ition to he ncepts of mar i alizat on nd of b ing r legated to he idelin s?con ts that all o aptly de cribe the posi n of women's righ s wi hi t e UN human rights re .5 This ar icl ass s es the progr ss b ing made ithi he Offi of the Hi h Co issioner fo H n Ri ts/Ce tre f r H a Righ s (HC/CHR) to ntegr te w m n's hum n ri hts i t t i er a ion l uman r gh s r ime. The i n ti nal huma righ s regime ulfills riteria ou l ned i St e Kras er's wi ly accept d d finiti of r gimes a sets of im plicit r explici p nciples, norms, rul s a d dec sio aking procedures around wh ch actors' expectat ns conv rge in a ven a ea of in er nat o al r lat .6 T pri a y sourc of th se pr nc les, n ms, a d ules are t e onve tions hu a righ s, w i h e le ally bi ding on ll s ates at r tify th . T e regim also embod es orm th are not

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