
Increase of power efficiency at regional level is one of major tasks of public policy in relation to power safety of country. The achievement of regions power efficiency depends on the complex of the measures sent to the removal of disproportions in providing of regions and their consumption power resources and creation of single economic space in a power sphere.The article indicated main problems, which cause the energy sector crisis: lack of resource potential of the energy sector in the region, the lack of effective legal and organizational-economic mechanisms that encourage producers and users of energy resources to improve the efficiency of energy production and use; high energy consumption industry in the region; lack of financial resources needed to upgrade the industrial base and energy complex of the region; underdevelopment and energy complex the region through human resource aspects.An analytical assessment of Ukraine regions from the perspective of energy efficiency and energy saving potential broadly, the presence rated Ukrainian Energy Index, studied public policy to improve energy efficiency, the main directions of regional policy of energy conservation: technical and technological modernization of transportation and distribution of electric and thermal energy; optimization of energy saving schemes, taking into account developments in the field of decentralized energy supply; encourage the development of renewable energy sources.Proposed directions are a prerequisite of an integrated approach to solving the problems of increasing the energy sector efficiency in the region both in terms of the implementation of energy conservation measures, and in terms of financial and material support.

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