
The object of the research of this article is new trends in the spread of ideas of radicalism among young people in the conditions of modern geopolitical realities in Central Asia, taking into account international practice. The purpose of the article: to conduct a comprehensive scientific study aimed at identifying the causes of the spread of the ideological influence of transnational religious extremist organizations on the youth of the Central Asian countries and to prepare recommendations for the state structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan that form the system of regional and national security, taking into account the analysis of international experience and new trends in this area. Research methods: system approach, general historical methods, institutional and structural-functional analysis, level-sector analysis, scenario forecast and interdisciplinary approach, etc. The study identified effective measures to combat radicalism; studied the impact of geopolitical contradictions in the Eurasian space on the radicalization of young people in order to ensure the national and strategic interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan; analyzed the main areas of cooperation with international organizations to combat the spread of radical extremism, in order to identify opportunities to improve their effectiveness. The results obtained allow us to present recommendations and forecast estimates aimed at anticipating threats to national and regional security for state and non-state structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Key words: new trends, extremism, radicalism, terrorism, Central Asia.

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