
The article deals with the history of studying the most common childhood specific infectious diseases: measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, scarlet fever, mumps, chickenpox, and rubella. Similarities are clearly observed in the history of their study, so it was possible to distinguish four main phases according to reflection of the problem in medical literature, mainly scientists’ attention to one or another side of the pathological process, the discoveries made. 1) Since the first appearance of childhood infectious diseases in the medical literature until the mid XVI century: fragmentary references in the doctors’ writings and historical chronicles. 2) Mid XVI century - mid XIX century: due to a rise of the diseases incidence their empirical study started, many of them were described for the first time. While describing epidemics clinical and epidemiological features of diseases were specified. 3) Mid XIX century - mid XX century: the ethiopathogenesis of childhood infectious diseases was studied, their agents were found. These discoveries led to a break-through in the treatment (serums, antibacterials). 4) Period of mass vaccination against most childhood infectious diseases.

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