
Environmental problems of Transcarpathia recreational zones were studied. The unique geoeconomic location, landscapes diversity and picturesque sceneries contribute to the development of tourism in the region. The main recreational areas of the region are both the Carpathian Mountains and the Transcarpathian Lowland. By types of activity, the recreational areas of Transcarpathia can be divided into natural (water, climatic, landscape, air, balneological, geological, geographical), natural anthropogenic (ski resorts, health and treatment areas, dendrological parks) anthropogenic (historical and cultural, zoos, animal farms, botanical gardens).
 Natural recreational areas, resorts and health centers are influenced by the greatest anthropogenic impact. Every year the tourism industry uses more and more natural areas and resources, creates special natural and social landscapes. Spontaneous and irrational use of such areas creates several environmental problems associated with damage, pollution and early depletion of recreational resources. Negative destructive changes occurring in recreational areas often lead to the degradation of the natural object.
 Unorganized tourism causes great damage to the environment. Disastrous environmental problems are the result of unauthorized placement of recreation centers, illegal hunting or fishing, harvesting wild herbs, berries and medicinal plants, mushrooms, cones, harvesting birch sap, unauthorized lighting of fires, collecting botanical and zoological species, etc.
 Depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution are negative factors that most disrupt the ecological state of recreational areas of Transcarpathia. First of all, it is manifested in uncontrolled deforestation, soil erosion, air pollution from road emissions, and so on. To preserve the satisfactory ecological state of the main recreational areas of Transcarpathia, preservation of landscapes and biological diversity of the region, it is necessary to implement a set of measures.
 Priority actions to maintain the quality of the natural environment of the region must include not only permitting and prohibitive measures, but also measures aimed at restoring and improving the state of natural resources and minimizing the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment.
 The development of organized ecological tourism is an effective way to solve the ecological problems of recreational areas of Transcarpathia.
 Organized ecological tourism can provide financial support for environmental protection and increase the importance of unique natural areas.

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