
Analysis of the data of seismoacoustic investigation and geotechnical drilling in the western Barents Sea has shown the following. The Upper Weichselian glacial deposits cover spread regionally. It represents seismostratigraphic complex (SSK) SSK III, unconformity occurs on the Mezozoic deposits, partly – on the Lower Weichselian moraine (SSK V) and is overlain unconformity by the Late Glacial glaciomarine (SSK II) – Holocene marine (SSK I) sediments. SSK III consists of two seismofacies (SF). Predominant SSF III-C are formed by the ordinary moraine almost solely, and SF III-T – by the M-moraine. The presence of these moraines determine of SSK III thicknesses distribution nearly completely. The ordinary moraine thickness fluctuates from < 10 m to 10–25 m. The M-moraine forms huge in plan, positive accumulation bodies in which its thickness > 25 m and arrives at 50–75 m. The other grandiosity structure-morphological elements of the Upper Weichselian deposits cover are: end moraines (the giant form was discovered) and powerful subglacial cuts, which represents unique unburied analog of the known so-called tunnel valleys. Structure, composition, thicknesses particularities of SSK III deposits cover were conditioned by specific character of process of the Last Glaciation development in the region.

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