
Objective: to establish key factors influencing the level of implementation of modern information and communication technologies in the sphere of medical and social welfare and disease prevention among the elderly. Material and methods. We have studied publications containing information about the key factors that determine the level of implementation of modern information and communication technologies in the sphere of public health aimed at maintaining high quality of life and health promotion among the elderly. The analysis, processing, and classification of the received data have been carried out. Results and discussion. The article identifies and systematizes factors that may affect the level of implementation of information and communication technologies into daily life of elderly patients, determines the degree of modifiability of these factors and the possibility of further practical application of the received data in the Republic of Belarus. Conclusion. Most of the factors identified in the article are modifiable. Correction of these factors by teaching the elderly, changes in the legislation or other evidence-based methods can improve the health and quality of life of the elderly population.

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