
Aim. To assess adherence to new oral anticoagulants (NOAC) or warfarin therapy and to study the factors influencing adherence in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF) patients on different stages of treatment within the prospective outpatient registry of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Material and methods . The study included 201 patients with nonvalvular AF (males, 118 (58,7%)) from the outpatient registry PROFILE). Mean age was 71,1 ±8,7 years. Study protocol consisted of the inclusion visit (V0), 6-month follow-up visit (V1) and phone contact 1 year after V0 (PC). In V0, all patients were prescribed one of the NOACs. At V1 doctors could recommend warfarin or another NOAC to patients, who have refused taking prescribed NOAC. Medical adherence was determined using the of the National society of evidence-based pharmacotherapy (NSEPh) adherence scale. NSEPh adherence scale allows to grade patients’ adherence to treatment into 4 categories: 1) completely adherent, 2) partially adherent, 3) completely non-adherent, 4) partially non-adherent. Dichotomous grading into adherent (completely adherent) and non-adherent (rest of patients) was also used. Results. Out of 201 included patients, 200 came to V1 (1 patient died). PC was successful in 197 patients (3 patients died). According to NSEPh adherence scale, 155 (77,5%) patients at V1 were completely adherent, 5 (2,5%) — partially adherent, 7 (3,5%) — partially non-adherent, 33 (16,5%) — completely non-adherent. By the PC, 158 (80,2%) patients were completely adherent to the OAC therapy, 6 (3,0%) — partially adherent, 28 (14,2%) — partially non-adherent, 15 (7,6%) — completely non-adherent. At all stages of treatment, the following factors of good adherence remained significant: never-smoking, prior NOAC use, negative history of any treatment-related adverse effects (AEs). Patients with comorbidities and a history of bleeding during OAC therapy were more likely to discontinue initial scheme and violate treatment regimen (p<0,05). Symptomatic course of AF increased adherence by 2,4 times ( р =0,02). According to the questionnaire, the leading reasons for refusing NOAC therapy were the high cost of drugs, the fear of AE and doubts about the need for treatment. The main factors leading to discontinuation of NOAC/OAC treatment were bleeding and the cancellation (often unreasonable) of these medications by other doctors. Conclusion. The results of ANTEY study confirm that factors influencing adherence to NOAC may vary during different phases of treatment. The main reasons that prevent NOAC therapy initiation are the high cost of these drugs, fear of AE and doubts about the need for such treatment. Significant factors of discontinuation were AEs and cancellation of NOAC therapy by doctors from other medical institutions. Factors that positively affect both initiation and long-term use of the drug are never-smoking, prior NOAC use, negative history of any treatment-related AEs.


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Исследования и регистры

Основные факторы приверженности к приему новых оральных антикоагулянтов и ее динамика у пациентов с неклапанной фибрилляцией предсердий в рамках амбулаторного регистра: результаты исследования АНТЕЙ. Наблюдения, ВОЗ — Всемирная организация здравоохранения, ВР — врачебные рекомендации, ДИ — доверительный интервал, КР — клинические рекомендации, ЛП — лекарственные препараты, Ме (25%;75%) — медиана (25% и 75% — интерквартильный размах), НОАК — новые оральные антикоагулянты, НОДФ — Национальное общество доказательной фармакоте­ рапии, НЯ — нежелательные явления, ОАК — оральные антикоагулянты, ОШ — отношение шансов, ПЭ — побочные эффекты, ТК — телефонный контакт через 1 год наблюдения, ФП — фибрилляция предсердий, АНТЕЙ — оценкА привержеНности к терапии новыми оральными анТикоагулянтами у пациЕнтов с неклапанной фибрилляциеЙ предсердий в рамках амбулаторного регистра, ПРОФИЛЬ — регистр специали­ зированного кардиологического подразделения научно-исследовательского центра, CHA2DS2-VASc — Congestive Heart failure, Hypertension, Age (2 ball), Diabetes mellitus, Stroke (2 ball), Vascular disease, Age, Sex category (шкала для оценки риска тромбоэмболических осложнений у больных с фибрилляцией предсердий), HAS-BLED — Hypertension, Abnormal renal-liver function, Stroke, Bleeding history or predisposition, Labile international normalized ratio, Elderly (65 years), Drugs or alcohol concomitantly (шкала для оценки риска кровотечения у больных с фибрилляцией предсердий). Целью исследования была оценка изменения приверженности к терапии НОАК или варфарином, а также факторов, влияющих на приверженность, у больных неклапанной фибрилляцией предсердий (ФП) на разных этапах лечения этими препаратами в рамках амбулаторного регистра пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями

Соблюдение режима приема ЛП
Характеристики пациентов
Симптомное течение ФП
Назначение ОАК и приверженность к ним
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