
One of the main tasks of the national healthcare is to increase the accessibility and quality of medical care to the population. One way of assessing the quality of care is to study patient satisfaction with medical care through sociological research. The degree of patient satisfaction reflects not only the social effectiveness of medical organizations, but also the work of all health systems. The bulk of medical care a child receives in the conditions of the polyclinic. Parents, being legal representatives of the child, can objectively assess the quality of medical care provided to them in the children's polyclinic, and, if necessary, protect his legitimate interests. With a view to identifying the main causes of the dissatisfaction of the child population of Saint Petersburg by the accessibility and quality of ambulatory-polyclinic care, the anonymous questionnaire of 1488 parents of children receiving the medical care in outpatient polyclinics was conducted. It found that in children's polyclinics parents often face difficulties when calling the doctor home, visiting a pediatrician and subspecialties doctor, passing medical examinations and procedures. Parents were not always satisfied with the preventive activities and sanitary and hygienic condition of the polyclinic. There are cases of inattentive and mistreatment by medical personnel. In General, over half (53.2%) parents have remained completely unsatisfied or not fully satisfied by the quality of provided ambulatory-polyclinic care.


  • Повышение доступности и качества медицинской помощи населению — одна из основных задач отечественного здравоохранения, а одним из способов оценки качества медицинской помощи является изучение удовлетворенности пациентов медицинским обслуживанием с помощью социологических исследований

  • Main causes of parents dissatisfaction by the accessibilit y and qual i t y of ambul atory-polycl inic c are for childre n

  • The bulk of medical care a child receives in the conditions of the polyclinic

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Основные причины неудовлетворенности родителей доступностью и качеством амбулаторно-поликлинической помощи детям // Педиатр. Повышение доступности и качества медицинской помощи населению — одна из основных задач отечественного здравоохранения, а одним из способов оценки качества медицинской помощи является изучение удовлетворенности пациентов медицинским обслуживанием с помощью социологических исследований. Основной объем медицинской помощи по мере взросления ребенок получает в условиях поликлиники.

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