
Ferromagnetic (FM) manganites, a group of likely half-metallic oxides, are of specialinterest not only because they are a testing ground for the classical double-exchangeinteraction mechanism for the ‘colossal’ magnetoresistance, but also because they exhibitan extraordinary arena of emergent phenomena. These emergent phenomena are related tothe complexity associated with strong interplay between charge, spin, orbital,and lattice. In this review, we focus on the use of inelastic neutron scatteringto study the spin dynamics, mainly the magnon excitations in this class of FMmetallic materials. In particular, we discuss the unusual magnon softening anddamping near the Brillouin zone boundary in relatively narrow-band compoundswith strong Jahn–Teller lattice distortion and charge–orbital correlations. Theanomalous behaviours of magnons in these compounds indicate the likelihood ofcooperative excitations involving spin and lattice as well as orbital degrees of freedom.

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