
Here we study the spin-wave propagation in a system of Mach–Zehnder interferometers (MZI) based on ferrimagnetic yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) thin film. The angular momentum transfer during the excitation of a surface magnetostatic spin wave and the coupling of the spin-waves inside the adjacent arms of MZIs is studied using the micromagnetic modeling method. The local variation of the YIG magnetization inside the arms of MZI manifests itself both in the phase shift of the propagating spin-wave signal and coupling efficiency in the region where the adjacent arms of MZI are placed in the close proximity to each other. The switching/demultiplexing performance which is reflected in the spatial frequency selection of the spin-wave signal upon dynamical local change of the magnetization in each of four arms of the interferometers is demonstrated. The proposed MZI demonstrates the basis for the realization of the set of logical operations and could serve the facility of add and drop frequencies (channels) to and from a magnonic data bus in frequency division multiplexed magnonic networks. The use of laterally coupled interferometers opens new possibilities for the formation of the logical magnon devices tuned by the local variation of magnetization which could be realized with the locally focused laser heating.

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