
The electrical resistivity and Hall effect for a single crystal ofTm2Fe14B have been measured over the range of temperature (T)from 4 to 600 K in magnetic fields of up to 5 T. The resistivityexhibits a small step-like rise at the spin-reorientationtemperature Ts, which is 311 K, and a broad minimum at 535 K. Inaddition, the Hall coefficient shows an anomaly at Ts, and dropssharply as T approaches the Curie temperature (549 K) from below.The lower-temperature anomalies, both in the resistivity and in theHall coefficient, show that the spin-reorientation transition inTm2Fe14B is of first order. The high-temperature Hallanomaly is probably produced by critical spin fluctuations near theCurie point. Dominant scattering mechanisms that underlie the Halleffect and magnetoresistance in Tm2Fe14B are inferred.

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