
Addition of cold plasma to the magnetosphere outside the plasmasphere can enhance both ion and electron electromagnetic cyclotron (EMC) instabilities. To turn on the ion EMC mode, one needs a cold plasma ion which is not too heavy; in many respects, lithium is ideal. Calculations have been made of total ion-EMC amplification on a single pass through a lithium cloud; these show that as much as 40–80 dB gain can be achieved on a synchronous-orbit field line. The most important effects of adding lithium are to reduce the minimum anisotropy requirement considerably, and to broaden the unstable domain in k-space. The dynamics of the cold lithium cloud have been studied in detail; on a time scale of a few hours, the cloud behaves as an incompressible fluid in the presence of electric convection fields, and should not become so seriously distorted that the total amplification given above is substantially degraded. Some remarks are made about the effects of added cold plasma on the Post-Rosenbluth electrostatic mode; for the most part, growth rates are reduced with addition of cold plasma.

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