
Faraday and Voigt magneto-optic effects in undoped ${\mathrm{Cd}}_{1\mathrm{\ensuremath{-}}\mathit{x}}$${\mathrm{Mn}}_{\mathit{x}}$Te, a diluted magnetic semiconductor, modify nonlinear beam coupling during photorefractive two-wave mixing. Three magnetophotorefractive geometries using transmission holographic gratings are identified: (1) the longitudinal Faraday geometry; (2) the transverse Faraday geometry; and (3) the Voigt geometry. In the magnetophotorefractive phenomena, magnetic-field-induced circular and linear birefringence alters the polarization and phase of coupled modes propagating in the presence of electro-optic gratings generated by photoinduced space charge. Experimental and theoretical behavior for each of the geometries is presented as functions of incident beam polarization and magnetic-field strength. The magnetic field controls the magnitude and the direction of nonreciprocal energy transfer between the two beams.

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