
We present three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of radiatively inefficient accretion flow around black holes. General relativistic effects are simulated by using the pseudo-Newtonian potential. We start calculations with a rotating torus threaded by localized poloidal magnetic fields with plasma-β, a ratio of the gas pressure to the magnetic pressure, β = 10 and 100. When the bulk of torus material reaches the innermost region close to a central black hole, a magnetically driven jet emerges. This magnetic jet is derived by vertically inflating toroidal fields (magnetic tower) and has a two-component structure: low-β (1) plasmas threaded with poloidal (vertical) fields are surrounded by those with toroidal fields. The collimation width of the jet depends on external pressure, the pressure of ambient medium; the weaker the external pressure is, the wider and the longer lasting becomes the jet. Unless the external pressure is negligible, the bipolar jet phase ceases after several dynamical timescales at the original torus position and a subsequent quasi-steady state starts. The black hole is surrounded by a quasi-spherical zone with highly inhomogeneous structure in which toroidal fields are dominant except near the rotation axis. Mass accretion takes place mainly along the equatorial plane. Comparisons with other MHD simulation results and observational implications are discussed.

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