
1R38. Magnetofluiddynamics in Channels and Containers. - U Muller and L Buhler (Inst fur Kern- und Energietechnik, Postfach 3640, Karlsruhe, D-76021, Germany). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2001. 210 pp. ISBN 3-540-41253-0. $65.95. Reviewed by GS Dulikravich (Dept of Mech and Aerospace Eng, Univ of Texas, PO Box 23023, Arlington TX 76019).If a person with no prior knowledge of the general area of interacting fluid flow and electric and magnetic fields would like to quickly and easily learn the fundamental aspects of analytical modeling of these phenomena, this reviewer would suggest this short book as an excellent text. The book was written with an ease of understanding and expression that only authors with extensive experience in practical applications of the subject matter can offer. Since the entire field is simply too broad, the authors have prudently focused on the magneto- hydro-dynamics (MHD) only, that is, on the analytical modeling of incompressible fluid flow under the influence of an externally applied magnetic field. Furthermore, they have decided not to incorporate the effects of electro- hydro-dynamics (EHD) which means that they choose not to account for the effect and transport of free electric charges in the fluid. Consequently, the basic equations of MHD were developed from the basic principles and their non-dimensional forms were explained in a clear and condensed fashion. Interface and boundary conditions were also clearly delineated as a prelude to a sequence of well-documented classical analytic solutions for various MHD flows. These analytic solutions were often substantiated with experimental data and numerical solutions in order to demonstrate the validity of the basic MHD models used. The emphasis was on the physics that leads to the analytic basics, thus offering excellent verification examples for more up-to-date issues like numerical techniques appropriate for multi-dimensional MHD flow analysis. The assumptions used when simplifying and adapting the full MHD model to each particular flow configuration were clearly explained and documented with appropriate referencing of the original publications. Thus, chapters covering classical solutions of high Hartmann number pipe and duct flows, free shear layers, developing flows, unbounded flows, flow transition and stability, turbulent duct flows, and buoyancy driven MHD flows have been clearly and concisely presented. The book is written using a style and notation that should be equally familiar to mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. Figures are highly educational, innovative, and clear, and the typesetting fonts are sharp and easy to read. An extensive bibliography and a good subject index conclude the text with an extensive appendix detailing practical instrumentation, measuring techniques, and probes used in an actual MHD experimental laboratory. For those individuals and libraries that cannot find the classical texts on MHD from four decades ago when this field was culminating and then suddenly disappearing from the popular scene, this reviewer highly recommends acquiring this book. Magnetofluiddynamics in Channels and Containers should be a required textbook for the first course on MHD in any engineering program.

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