
We have investigated strain mediated magnetoelectric coupling and ac impedance properties of 0.5NiFe2O4-0.5PbZr0.58Ti0.42O3 nanocomposite at room temperature. The magnetoelectric voltage coefficient has been calculated from ME voltage for both transverse and longitudinal direction at a frequency of 37 Hz. The magnetoelectric coefficient in transverse direction is found to ∼ 2.2 mV/cmOe at 200 Oe dc magnetic field whereas magnetoelectric coefficient in longitudinal direction is found to ∼ 1.36 mV/cmOe at dc magnetic field of 674 Oe. The real and imaginary part of complex impedance has been measured in presence of 0 and 1800 Oe dc magnetic field applied at perpendicular direction of measured electric field. With the application of dc magnetic field slight increase in the real and imaginary part of impedance have been observed. Nyquist plots have been fitted using parallel combinations of resistances-capacitance circuits.

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