
The magnetocaloric properties of Mn5Si1-xPxB2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) compounds were studied for energy harvesting applications. The crystal structure and the magnetic structure were characterized by powder X-Ray Diffraction and powder Neutron Diffraction. The results indicate that these magnetocaloric materials crystallize in the tetragonal Cr5B3-type crystal structure. The introduction of P causes a stretching of the c axis and compression of the a-b plane, leading to a decrease in the unit-cell volume V. In the ferromagnetic state the magnetic moments align within the a-b plane, and the magnetic moment of the Mn1 atom on the 16 l site is larger than that of the Mn2 atom on the 4c site. The Curie temperature TC can be adjusted continuously from 305 K (x = 1) to 406 K (x = 0) by replacing Si with P. The corresponding magnetic entropy change varies from 1.90 Jkg−1K−1 (x = 0) to 1.35 Jkg−1K−1 (x = 1) for a magnetic field change of 1 T. The PM-FM transition in these compounds corresponds to a second-order phase transition. Mn5Si1-xPxB2 compounds exhibit a magnetization difference of 28.1 - 31.3 Am2kg−1 for a temperature span of 30 K around TC in an applied magnetic field of 1 T. The considerable change in magnetization, the tunable TC near and above room temperature and the absence of thermal hysteresis make these compounds promising candidates for magnetocaloric energy harvesting materials.

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