
We have investigated magnetization (M), magnetocaloric effect (MCE), and magnetothermopower (MTEP) in polycrystalline Pr0.6Sr0.4MnO3, which shows a second-order paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition near room temperature (TC = 305 K). However, field-cooled M(T) within the long range ferromagnetic state shows an abrupt decrease at TS = 86 K for μ0H < 3 T. The low temperature transition is first-order in nature as suggested by the hysteresis in M(T) and exothermic/endothermic peaks in differential thermal analysis for cooling and warming cycles. The anomaly at TS is attributed to a structural transition from orthorhombic to monoclinic phase. The magnetic entropy change (ΔSm = Sm(μ0 H)-Sm(0)) shows a negative peak at TC (normal MCE) and a positive spike (inverse MCE) at TS. ΔSm = −2.185 J/kg K (−3.416 J/kg K) with refrigeration capacity RC = 43.4 J/kg (103.324 J/kg) for field change of μ0ΔH = 1.5 T (3 T) at TC = 304 K is one of the largest values reported in manganites near room temperature. Thermopower (Q) is negative from 350 K to 20 K, which shows a rapid decrease at TC and a small cusp around TS in zero field. The MTEP [ΔQ/Q(0)] reaches a maximum value of 25% for μ0ΔH = 3 T around TC, which is much higher than 15% dc magnetoresistance for the same field change. A linear relation between MTEP and magnetoresistance and between ΔSm and ΔQ are found near TC. Further, ac magnetotransport in low dc magnetic fields (μ0 H ≤ 0.1 T), critical analysis of the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition, and scaling behavior of ΔSm versus a reduced temperature under different magnetic fields are also reported. Coexistence of large magnetic entropy change and magnetothermopower around room temperature makes this compound interesting for applications.

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