
Multi-component spin-singlet superconductors with competing 0- and $\pi$-pairing couplings, as in $s_{++}$ and $s_{\pm}$ phases, are close to instabilities with a spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry. We demonstrate that the modification of the kinetic energy of superconducting electrons in a doubly connected superconducting cylinder, determined by the applied flux, generally drives transitions from chiral superconducting states to configurations that are time-reversal symmetric. This magneto-topological-induced changeover is investigated by means of a Ginzburg-Landau approach for a two-band superconductor with interband interactions and impurity scattering investigated for the case of a sample in the form of a mesoscopically thin-walled cylinder. We find that the application of a magnetic flux can convert a chiral $s_{\pm}+is_{++}$ state into a $s_{\pm}$ configuration and vice versa or tune the energy splitting of chiral states having inequivalent pairing amplitudes. We discuss signatures for the detection of these phases and of the corresponding transitions in mesoscopic superconducting loops.

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