
Close to room temperature, the off-stoichiometric Ni50Mn35In15 Heusler alloy is known to undergo a first-order magnetostructural transition. This paper presents a new model that closely mimics the magnetic behavior of the virgin curve and that of the M-H loops within the temperature range where the alloy undergoes the first-order transition. The virgin curve and the M-H loops relevant to the model were measured at 280 K. Since our data show that 280 K is above the start of the transition, it implies that at this temperature the alloy is in a mixed state. The mixed state refers the presence of two distinct magnetic states. The model and mechanism we propose to explain the complex magnetic behavior of the virgin curve and of the M-H loops pertain to the action of the applied field on the transition between the two magnetic states. Both the model and the proposed mechanism provide new insight about the complex magnetic behavior displayed by the Ni50Mn35In15 alloy within the first-order transition.

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