
Staircase-like magnetic-field-driven magnetization curves(M(H))from an antiferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic state have been obtained inPr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 substituted at the Mn site. Although both nonmagnetic(Ga3 +, 3d10) and magnetic (Cr3 +, 3d3) substituted cations are able toinduce an insulator-to-metal transition, a very distinct magnetic behaviouris observed as the impurity content increases. In the case of Ga3 +,the induced ferromagnetic fraction goes through an optimum (∼40%)for 3% Ga whereas, with only 2% of Cr3 +, this fraction reaches 95%.Interestingly, as the ferromagnetic fraction is not too high (≤50%), staircase-likeM(H)curves are observed at low temperature. The number of magnetization jumpsnecessary to reach a complete ferromagnetic state is smaller than that of theMn-site substituted Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3. Moreover, in the case of Ga3 +, there existsa clear relationship between the thermal cycling effect and the reproducibility ofthe Mjumps. These results are discussed in the framework of a martensitic-liketransition.

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